Monday, February 1, 2010

The Road to Nationals

"The greatest thing in the World is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving"

-Oliver Holmes

Greetings Bloggers!

I know, I know it's been a while but it's been a crazy couple of weeks! 2 track meets and one horrible week! Let's see, last week I was sick, washed my phone, left my purse at the hotel, and had a friend stay with me. Being sick with a friend staying with you is NOT the business! But we made it work. Lol. I also got a new computer! HP with a built in video camera and speakers! I like it, it's def an upgrade!

Moving on to the track meets... I had a track meet at Virginia Tech and Penn State these last two weeks. These are the two biggest meets of the season. They are really good meets for me because I run against the 2 fastest hurdles in the Nation right now, so competition is def there! And I tend to do well with competition.

Virginia Tech

I guess I'll start with the V-tech meet since it was first. I was feeling pretty good. I pr'd in the prelims of the 60 meter hurdles by .01! I felt some kind of way! How am I only going to p.r. by .01! I ran 8.41. Lol. I was happy though because me running that fast in the prelims only meant good things for the finals, right? Wrong. I ran 8.51 in the finals. I hit the back of my caff with my trail leg. But it was kool. I still placed 3rd. =) And I had high hopes of dropping my time. I also ran the 200, I won my heat with a time of 24.53 and placed 6th overall! I had given up on the 200, thinking I would never be fast in it but now I'm starting to rethink it. I'm currently ranked number 55 in the Nation in it with a time of 24.39 and I ran that at the very first meet of the season. Maybe if I gave it a chance I can be alright in it.... Hmmm... Moving on. I also ran the 4x4. I ran about a 55/56 our relay ran 3:49. It was an okay race but my ham wasn't really feeling it.

Penn State

Penn State is a really exciting meet! 3 rounds of the 60 hurdles on a fast track! It's like heaven! Lol. I only ran the 60 hurdles and the 4x4 this meet. The first round of the 60 hurdles I pr'd again by .01 AGAIN!!! I was sooo blown!!! Like what THEE heck! If I don't break 8.4 I'm going to go crazy!!!! I ran 8.40! Once again I was excited because I had 2 more rounds and I was going into the simi's with the 4th fastest time. I've never made it to the finals (that I can recall) at Penn State, so running a pr in the prelims was really cool. The second round I was right next to the girl who has the fastest time in the Nation right now, so I knew I needed to MOVE! And let her pull me under the 8.4 mark I made in the simi's. And that's exactly what I did! I ran 8.32! Now that is a p.r.!!!! Lol Almost in the 8.2's!!! I figure I need to run at least an 8.27 in order to make it to Nationals. So, I was extra excited! One more round left too and I was going into the finals with the 4th fastest time. In the finals I only ran a 8.35 now my second fastest time. I finished 4th at the meet. Currently my ranking is 13 in the Nation! Which is great because they only take the top 16 to Nationals! But we have a whole month until Nationals so right now I'm just trying to hold on to my spot! And drop my time to at least a 8.27. I know I can do it because last week I was soooo sick! I was still sick at the track meet and p.r.'d so I can only go down from here! =)
Our 4x4 ran 3:47.1!!! I think that's the fastest we have ever run indoor (since I've been at Howard) I'm really excited to see what we can do! Because we won our heat and I was chillin on my leg. Hopefully we can win our conference meet! My leg went 54/55.

If you are interested in seeing the races they are on my facebook page links!

Well that's all I can think of right now! Thanks for reading! Ttyl