Thursday, August 26, 2010

Running By Faith

“What God Has For You Is For You”

“Nothing can stop the man (woman) with the right mental attitude from achieving his (her) goals; nothing on earth can help the man (woman) with the wrong mental attitude.” -Thomas Jefferson

Greetings Bloggers,

Once again I’ve been gone for while but a lot has been going on. I’ll try to be better with updates and every now and then a video blog (because it’s much easier to talk then to type lol). Anyways let’s see where to start.

My season ended pretty well not as great as I would have liked but I’m not complaining. I made it to Nationals but didn’t do too well. I hit the third hurdle and didn’t make it to the finals and had the worst placing at Nationals that I’ve ever had (17th) but at least I was there! =) I also made it to USA Nationals and made it to the prelims! I placed 14th! The wind was blowing extra hard so my time wasn’t good but no one’s time was that great. The wind was 2.7 and 2.9!!! And I’m wayyy too little to run into that kind of wind! I def need to hit the weight room! Lol

This summer was interesting. I got a job working at Washington Sports Club, a gym in Washington, DC. The job was cool but the pay was wack and I worked from 5:30am until 1pm. Then my hours started getting cut so it went to 12pm and then right before I left 11am. So, I wasn’t making that much money and I was waking up before the sun, literally! I didn’t really care for the job but some money is better than none. I also took a trip to New York to visit a friend! I didn’t really like the city tho :/ I think I’m going to have to go back when I have a lot of money and time to blow and really see what it’s all about! I was phoneless for most of July but it was kind of nice not being connected to the World lol

Well, currently I’m no longer in DC I’m back home in boring old Michigan. My family and I decided it would be best for me to come home for a while before I make my big move! I’m excited about moving down to Atlanta and I’m currently looking for employment, housing, and different programs I might be able to get into, once everything is set in stone I’ll give you guys an update.

I found a coach down in Atlanta to train me! I’m really excited about the program because it’s focus is exactly what I’m lacking. I’m training down with Rana Reider, we haven’t worked out all the details yet but everything is a go! His camp focuses on strength and conditioning, the exact two things I’ve been avoiding my whole track career. Lol. Even in high school I was M.I.A. when it came to weight room lol. I guess it’s time to get to business :o) Anyways, I think his program will be good for me and with those two very important things I think I can be great!

I also just found this program called Sponsor An Athlete. It’s really good for accepting Donations and Sponsorships for Post-Collegiate athletes. So if anybody wants to make a donation to me just go to the website: my information should be up there soon!

I talked to my father on my bday and he was telling me about trusting in God and doing things by faith without fear, knowing that God has everything handled that’s how you move mountains! I took that conversation and I’ve really been thinking on it and from now on I’ll be running by faith. Having no fear when I approach the starting line and know “what God has for me is for me!” I did it when I pr’d at Regional’s! I felt like something was within me that was greater than me and I did great! So, I’m just going to keep thinking, believing, and trusting that! Also, I’ve been on this positive energy thing as of late and every since a lot of positive things have been happening for/to me. I’ve just really been washing the negativity out of my thoughts and focusing on the positive. I feel with the combination of both of these things, only great things are to come!

So pretty much right everything I do is geared towards the big move! Hotlanta here I come! =D